Sunday, February 14, 2010

Used-ambulance In Ontario What Do You Think Of This Idea? Two Armies Are Fighting. Stay Away From Military Targets?

What do you think of this idea? Two armies are fighting. Stay away from military targets? - used-ambulance in ontario

At the launch of leaflets warning of an impending attack, change the location. Let your wife and kids are keeping on top of the ammunition, the military objectives. Do not get in the store is to combat the provision of schools, houses and civilian hospitals. Do not use ambulances to transport troops and do not use hospitals and barracks. If we do not have the right to cry about civilian casualties.


everythi... said...

* Hands Held High and waves .... I totally agree *

Telling the Palestinians to stop their wives and children to hide weapons and in churches and hospitals, schools ...

COWARDS .... Send your calendar for security and let those who want the war without endangering others face.

COWARDS ... and want, then shame. Nobody here ... with civilians, to win the public opinion ... and are naive enough to enter.

julvrug said...

First, if one of the "army" of which you speak, not really an army, and does not refer to a civil war is what happens. A real army would not be what we are talking about the concepts of a real conflict. But I really wonder why those who complain do not, civilian casualties, if the opposing party does not practice these and other respectable. Worse, they accuse the army (the terrorists insert) for these deaths and injuries that are the real cause.

unitedca... said...

Must act, Hamas will be targeted only to the elements so that Israel can fly? Knowing where the headquarters of Israel is on the way? If in the event of an attack caused massive losses among the civilian population because it is right in the center of Tel Aviv in an area heavily populated by civilians, who will blame Israel for the use of human shields?

The accusations are made by propaganda in the Israeli army standard, has demonstrated none. With the exception of the IDF attack hospitals and ambulances, the well-documented since.

lherman7... said...

I probably would not believe everything you read, or I think the very easy to store and transport your entire family, fewer than twenty dollars a day just in the car and the road to jump, and we hope that the Israeli troops have to be put into operation not to stop there, first as a quiet and cool enough to leave you without shooting through his family.

melanieb... said...

There are no military targets in Gaza. Everything is a civilian building. Members of Hamas in the streets. There are places to go, because the edges are sealed. Civilian shelters were bombed. Where do they go? In the sea and drown? Or learning to fly in any way?

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